Walkerburn: 01896 870455               Hawick : 01450 363974
walkerburn@homebasics.org.uk         hawick@homebasics.org.uk

Here to help families on low income across the central Scottish Borders

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Home Basics is fortunate to have a strong and reliable volunteer base who form the backbone of its operations. This includes sales, sorting, cleaning, repairs, renovation, collections, deliveries, administration and governance.

Home Basics offer opportunities for those who require upskilling and work experience in a supportive environment. We help support people according to their need, be it a will to learn, grow in confidence, references to re-enter the job market from a stronger position, or combating loneliness. A number of our volunteers enjoy benefitting from belonging to a team and working together for a local community organisation.

A large part of the Home Basics team relies on volunteer support, in fact collectively they are our biggest donor!

We are incredibly grateful to our valuable and generous team who commit many hours each week to our cause.

A volunteer Board of Directors steer and consult across members of the local community. All of our volunteers carry the reuse message helping transform the attitudes of our customers and beneficiaries toward a reuse and repair society.

Our grateful thanks to you all!

Like to volunteer?

If you would like to enquire about joining our volunteer team we would love to hear from you. Please call our Walkerburn (01896 870455) or Hawick (01450 363 974) or alternatively email us below.

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