Walkerburn: 01896 870455               Hawick : 01450 363974
walkerburn@homebasics.org.uk         hawick@homebasics.org.uk

Here to help families on low income across the central Scottish Borders

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Information about the Home Basics Discount Scheme for self referrals on means tested benefits. The Scheme gives people in receipt of means tested benefits 33% Discount on most products at Walkerburn and Hawick and 50% discount of deliveries.

Please fill out the form below or download (bottom of the page), and submit the form to either our Hawick or Walkerburn shops via email. Please also include a form of evidence of your benefits.

Walkerburn: walkerburn@homebasics.org.uk or Hawick: hawick@homebasics.org.uk

    The optional information below is treated confidentially for service monitoring and fundraising purposes, and will never be disclosed
    to any third party.




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    Discount Scheme Form

    Please download, complete and submit the Discount Scheme form to either our Hawick or Walkerburn shops.


    Discount Scheme Terms and Conditions.